So far, in our Evaluating Vendors series, we have explored the roles of Quality, Customer Service, Cost Competitiveness and Industry Expertise. Now we will take a look at what a vendor’s healthy investment in a business relationship looks like.

As previously mentioned, the best partnerships are based upon the understanding that you are both in it for the long haul. This involves a commitment from your vendor to understand your business and act on their newfound knowledge. Your openness and willingness to engage in this exchange is very important, as well.

We hope you have found this series in Evaluating Vendors helpful. At BrandPOP, we like to think of ourselves as both eager students and a great resource in the industry. Feel free to call on us anytime for advice or recommendations on how we can take your in-store marketing efforts to the next level of POP greatness!

Lisa Herrera Pilcher
Director of Sales & Marketing at BrandPOP
Lisa Herrera Pilcher is the Business Development Consultant at BrandPOP. She uses her extensive background in print and client service to help build marketing strategy using BrandPOP's print collateral programs.